Re: Framebuffer port, again!

Subject: Re: Framebuffer port, again!
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Wed Mar 22 2000 - 21:11:45 CST

At 02:34 AM 3/22/00 PST, ArcadePreserv Center wrote:
>I recently suggested a port of AbiWord to use only the Linux framebuffer, to
>be more useable on very low end systems.
>If I have interpreted the discussion that followed correctly a direct port
>of AbiWord is not at all needed or wanted.

Needed? Probably not. Wanted? See below.

>I have been looking at GTK. From what I understand *all* you have to port to
>get a full GTK enviroment ported is GDK, the underlying drawing toolkit.
>This has also been done, there is a ms-windows port of GDK, GTK and the
>gimp, using the former.
>So, to get the GTK version of AbiWord to run on small (embedded ?) system,
>we need to port GDK to a non X-windows enviroment.

That's definitely a promising suggestion. Porting GDK would be of fairly
broad interest, because apps other than AbiWord could take advantage of it.

  framebuffer <--> GDK <--> GTK <--> AbiWord, etc.

In theory, I suppose that someone developing an embedded system might decide
to create a totally native framebuffer port of AbiWord to help strip out a
few of the intervening layers of code:

  framebuffer <--> AbiWord

I suspect that it'd be a lot more work, but if someone ever does it, we
*definitely* want to add that code to the tree. :-)


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