
Subject: Footnotes!
From: Bronwyn Grace Boltwood (
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 07:45:02 CST

I just installed and took a look at AbiWord, and I have a suggestion. For me, an important one. I am an arts student, just learning Linux, and needing a good wordprocessor, enough like Word that I won't have any trouble finding things.
        I mostly write a lot of papers and the occasional story. Most of the features I use regularly are in there (though I'm sure some finetuning wouldn't hurt, and I'll welcome insert symbol), but there is a very important one missing: insert footnote/endnote. Half the reason to do a paper on a word processor is to avoid doing the footnotes manually. Anybody who regularly writes with notes would really appreciate this one. Of course, one should be able to modify the font, point size, line spacing and indents of the notes.

Hope to see this feature soon -- it would really make a big difference to users like me. My profs prefer footnotes and so do I. Right now, I can't use AbiWord to fully write a paper; with a footnote feature I could.



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