Building Win98

Subject: Building Win98
From: Alan De Smet (
Date: Thu May 04 2000 - 22:16:25 CDT

I'm working off of a very recent cygwin install and the 0.7.9 zip
files abi source.

The current cygwin stuff is reporting "1.1.0(0.17/3/2)" for uname
-r. This caused all sorts of problems when trying to build using
the abi source available in zip format. src/config/
assigns OS_RELEASE, feeding the results of uname -r through
several sed filters to remove badness. If I'm reading it
correctly, the current filters only replace the first "/" and
neither "(" or ")". After a bit of banging on sed to no avail, I
just changed the line to "OS_RELEASE = WIN32" and I was able
to get building. Someone more inspired ought to look at tweaking
it. Offhand, given the almost random values one gets frmo cygwin
on a day to day basis, I'd suggest that if OS_NAME eq CYGWIN32 or
CYGWIN, simply set OS_RELEASE to unknown or something.

I'm still having problems compiling libiconv, but the error looks
suspiciously like a cygwin problem. libiconv's configure dies
with "./configure: cannot create temp file for here document:
Permission denied". Sure enough, just trying to "cat > foo <<EOF"
in the shell fails. Files in the form /tmp/t1954-0-sh are
getting created with the expected contents... I'm going to try
reverting to an older cygwin and see if that solves it.

Alan De Smet  -  -

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