Uninitialized UT_Bool

Subject: Uninitialized UT_Bool
From: Mike Nordell (tamlin@algonet.se)
Date: Fri May 05 2000 - 22:14:09 CDT

To give everyone (especially the ones knowing the code better than I - a
new user of it - do) an incentive to check this out, I've come up with
the following patches to add the UT_Bool as a class instead of as a
typedef for 'unsigned char' that sheds light over the problems about
uninitilalized UT_Bools being used. This "patch" is against the released
0.7.9 code.

Again I apologize for not supplying it in diff format, but since I'm not
on a Unix platform (i.e. Win32), I hope you consider these changes for
your development copies anyway. If not, stop reading here.


First the definition (typedef) of UT_Bool in af/util/xp/ut_types.h has to change. I've done it like

#if 0

typedef unsigned char UT_Bool; #define UT_TRUE ((UT_Bool) 1) #define UT_FALSE ((UT_Bool) 0)


#define UT_TRUE ((UT_Bool) 1) #define UT_FALSE ((UT_Bool) 0)

#define chSTR(x) #x #define chSTR2(x) chSTR(x) #define chMSG(desc) message(__FILE__ "(" chSTR2(__LINE__) "):" desc) #pragma chMSG("UT_Bool patched. Remove later")

#include "ut_assert.h"

class UT_Bool { public: UT_Bool(unsigned char a = 3) : v(a) { } operator unsigned char() const { check(); return v; } unsigned char operator!() const { check(); return v ? UT_FALSE : UT_TRUE; } UT_Bool& operator=(const UT_Bool& rhs) { rhs.check(); v = rhs.v; return *this; } UT_Bool& operator|=(const UT_Bool& rhs) { check(); rhs.check(); v = rhs.v; return *this; }

void check() const { UT_ASSERT(v != 3); } private: unsigned char v; };



Then there's some other changes needed to get it to compile.

1. The unnamed struct 'm_parserState' used as member in af/xap/xp/xap_Strings.h must have a name. "_dummyname" works. 2. The same goes for the member 'm_parserState' in af/xap/xp/xap_Prefs.h'.

Now, there are a few places where the (real) definition of 'UT_Bool' has to be removed, since these datatypes are use in array (aggregate) initializations. Use the following construct: for the 'UT_Bool' members mentioned.

Before the member #define UT_Bool unsigned char after the mentioned member #undef UT_Bool

3. wp/ap/xp/ap_LoadBinding.cpp (around line 62) 4. text/ptbl/xp/pp_Property.h (around line 39) 5. wp/ap/xp/ap_Menu_LabelSet.cpp (around line 67) 6. wp/ap/xp/ap_Toolbar_LabelSet.cpp (around line 70) And finally if on Win32, do the following 7. af/xap/win/xap_Win32Slurp.cpp (around line 111) return (HDDEDATA)!!bAccept; Notice the _two_ '!'.

Now compile, disregard warnings about extern "C" using UT_Bool, and finally at runtime: sorrow. There's a _lot_ of places that need to be fixed. As I'm new to the code I _think_ it's a major design problem regarding if mapXY should set both bBOL and bEOL or if it's supposed to be defaulted to UT_FALSE.


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