Committing cursor code [was: Your patches]

Subject: Committing cursor code [was: Your patches]
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 07:23:50 CDT

> Here is a complete patch for windows and unix to fix the "only one
> problem

> However this patch semi-breaks the gnome build in that the gnome
> of the build has no cursor at all.
> So here is a thorny question. Should we commit this code now and put
> pressure on a gnome coder to fix the gnome build or should we hold off
> in the hope that someone will step forward to fix the gnome build?

I vote to commit. Unless it's committed, we get problems if changing
these files now.
I've BTW already found a "teeny-weeny" patch I could add to the windows
version to make the cursor stop blink when any menus displays, but to
make this the original patch must be in place.

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