Re: cut and paste on Linux

Subject: Re: cut and paste on Linux
From: Justin Bradford (
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 12:47:53 CDT

On Thu, 11 May 2000, Martin Sevior wrote:

> I gather from the code that
> you actually try to exchange rtf format with any other program that will
> accept it. Otherwise you fall back to regular ascii. It all looked really
> hairy. I think I will leave this bug for the time being :-)

When an X application claims the clipboard/selection, other apps that want
to poaste send it a signal. The clipboard holding app then creates an X
atom named FORMATS which lists all of the flavors of data it provides. The
requesting application picks one, and then the original app sends that
back. So AbiWord advertises RTF, TEXT, and STRING (which is regular ASCII)

> Are there any couragous X11 hackers out there? :-)

I wrote the original copy/paste Abiword code, but it was later rewritten
to support X selections. I'm not clear what problems people are seeing,
but I might be able to help. Is it just the selections that are getting


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