
Subject: focus
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 21:19:08 CDT

The to-be-committed focus patch have one problem in Win32 that I think
might also be present in X and the other platforms. It stops displaying
the cursor when loading a document.

In both ap_Win32Fram.cpp and ap_UnixFrame.cpp, _showDocument(), we have

    REPLACEP(m_pView, pView);

If we replace that with
  const AV_Focus prevFocus = m_pView ? m_pView->getFocus() :
  REPLACEP(m_pView, pView);

I've tried it in Win32 and works as intended. I think it will also do for
the other platforms.

/Mike - please reply to AbiWord-dev only

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