Re: Cursor as its own entity and display elements relations

Subject: Re: Cursor as its own entity and display elements relations
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 15:19:24 CDT

Robert Sievers wrote:

> >Do we, or do we plan, to support text that flows around "frames" (e.g.
> >a picture in the middle of the text).

> Yes, this is something we plan to do, but I suggest waiting until after
> 1.0.

My primary concern was about using the metaphor
page->line->run->run-offset for cursor pos. Since then I've become wiser.
I've come to the conclusion that (for now) the ony reasonable way to
store docPos is by PT_DocPosition + one bool that says if we're at EOL or

As for the troubles regarding "floating frames", I have no intention to
even try to design, nor implement, floating frames (in a foreseeable

> Back in 1995, a bunch of people who now have @abisource
> mail addresses added this feature to a browser. The barrage of screw
> that result are beyond belief. I know, because I created them. Doing
> floating images correctly is *really* hard. I am sure Eric will want
> speak to this from the coding issues point of view.

Great! We now know that you know what _not_ to do, perhaps you by now
even know _what_ to do?! *hint, hint* ;-)

/Mike - please reply to AbiWord-dev only

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