Re: Cursor

Subject: Re: Cursor
From: Pierre Abbat (
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 12:35:35 CDT

>The final decission correspond to the sourcegear guys, but it would be
>cool if everybody says what are his/her preference here.

My preference is:
If I get mail that is addressed to me, the reply button should reply to only
the sender. The reply to all button should reply to the sender and the other
recipients, but not to me.
If I get mail that is not addressed to me, but is sent to a mailing list that I
am on, the reply button should reply to only the sender. The reply to all
button should reply to all recipients but not the sender, who is presumably on
the list.
I do sometimes need to reply to the sender and not the list, as when Chris,
Ash, and I were discussing the translation.
The list is set up correctly. The bug is in Kmail.


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