re:Patch - XHTML import.

Subject: re:Patch - XHTML import.
From: sam th (
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 09:15:22 CDT

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 22 May 2000, Martin Sevior wrote:

> HI Sam,
> Sorry I lost your original email. I think it would be great for
> abi to support as many formats as possible. Unfortunately I cannot test
> your patch because I know nothing about xhtml. However I recall some
> arguments Paul Rohr made about importing html and I wonder how you would
> respond to them.
> 1. A full html import would require a code base of approximately the
> complexity of mozzilla. We don't want to go there.

Right. There are a number of factors that make this a 600 line file,
instead of 60 megs.

1- AbiWord does all the redering for me.
2- Expat does all the parsing for me (and I only accept well-formed XHTML)
3- I just ignore lots of tags

> 2. Should we advertise ourselves as having xhtml import when we we can
> only support a tiny subset of the available documents? In the case of
> other Word Processors we aim to eventually be a superset of them all so I
> have no problem starting with a useful subset.

I would not reccommend putting my current importer in a release version.
(It won't support bold and italic together, for example) However, it
should accept any well-formed XHTML document.
(actually, it accepts any wellformed document beginning with
...) > 3. What do you currently do for things like tables, lists, math formulae > and the like? Do you try to extract what infor you can even though we > can't properly display it? > Math formulae are not expressible in XHTML currently (unless you use images). As for tables and lists, I just rip the text out (which is really easy - see my XML importer). > 4. Is this the start of a kword import filter? If so see 3. > Yeah, that's next on the list. It would be even more useful than XHTML, but I understand XHTML better (I don't even have KWord). > Cheers > > Martin > > > > > sam th -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see iD8DBQE5KUD7t+kM0Mq9M/wRAhYTAKCS+xH3O6cHiY+am6EsWcME1e+WMQCdHO18 UflxXXAEbB66O9DiIj+3QE8= =3yHm -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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