Re: [RFC] New fl_BlockLayout::findPointCoords implementation

Subject: Re: [RFC] New fl_BlockLayout::findPointCoords implementation
From: Jesper Skov (
Date: Mon May 29 2000 - 10:22:48 CDT

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Sevior <> writes:

Martin> On Mon, 29 May 2000, Jesper Skov wrote:
>> This is explained by a subtlety in the old code; after finding the
>> requested offset, it would return the Run at that offset, but
>> calculate position/size from the previous Run. I simply overlooked
>> this when starting over - and didn't try different font sizes, so
>> using the returned Run for cursor calculations was fine.
>> Anyway, it's is linked to this:
Martin> ... and if you press "superscript" or "subscript" the cursor
Martin> immediately changes size and location correctly. This didn't
Martin> used to work. Also changing font size immediately changes the
Martin> size of the cursor. This also didn't use to work on new lines
Martin> after hitting return.
>> It's impossible for the code to distinguish between these two
>> cases. In the first it should return the size of the previous Run,
>> in the second it should return the size of the current Run (being
>> the first and only Run having the new font properties).

On second thought - this can be recognized since selecting font
size/whatever introduces a FMT marker. All I have to do is stop
scanning when seeing one of these. I will try that.

Martin> OK here is what I think should be done. You are the third
Martin> person that I know of who has tried to fix this code via the
Martin> method of locating the run on the line. I was another. I think
Martin> that boundaries between different runs should be put in a too
Martin> hard basket and delt with via a seperate piece of code.

Martin> This code would calculate the cursor size and location
Martin> directly from the font and super/sub scriptness of the current
Martin> entry point. The x coordinate is just what is already
Martin> calculated. This code basically duplicates the line height
Martin> calculation code. You could just copy the revelent bits fron
Martin> fp_Line and put it into a new function within
Martin> fl_Blocklayout. Initially just use the string passing code to
Martin> get the character properties. Later the new function could use
Martin> Sam's new piece table accessor functions he proposed a few
Martin> days ago.

Martin> What do you think?

I don't quite grok all that. What function/method are you thinking of?

Anyhu, if Sam is going to make some changes that might invalidate that
(or even the work I've already made), I'd rather wait and see.


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