Re: 0.7.12 for Monday?

Subject: Re: 0.7.12 for Monday?
From: Chih-Wei Huang (
Date: Thu Nov 09 2000 - 02:13:50 CST

Vlad Harchev ¼g¹D¡G
> > >> I believe that user has to set $LC_MESSAGES=en rather than tweak $LANG.
> > >> Anyway - AW uses a wrapper, so it would be easy to tweak it.
> >
> > Yes, it can be done this way.
> Though currently AW ignores $LC_MESSAGES completely. Feel free to fix this :)

Hmmm... I don't think so...

As I tested (the latest CVS),
If I launch abiword by this locale setting
LANG=zh_CN.GB2312 LC_MESSAGES=en_US ./AbiWord_d
(yes, I run the binary direct instead of the wrapper)
The menu became to English, while I can still input and
see the Chinese character. That's the desired result.
However, if I tried
LANG=en_US LC_MESSAGES=zh_CN.GB2312 ./AbiWord_d
AW crashed:
** ERROR **: file ap_StatusBar.cpp: line 556 (UT_uint32
ap_sb_Field_InsertMode::getDesiredWidth()): assertion failed:

If I use LC_CTYPE instead of LC_MESSAGES
LANG=en_US LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.GB2312 ./AbiWord_d
The menu is English, and I can invoke Chinese input server
to input character, but it messed up. The Chinese character
didn't display.

Setting language to English but character set(LC_CTYPE)
to Chinese is the more correct way to achieve this goal.
The usage of LC_* environments may be wrong in AW.

   ~     Chih-Wei Huang (cwhuang)
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