Re: Win32 & timer

Subject: Re: Win32 & timer
From: Sam TH (
Date: Sun Nov 12 2000 - 18:57:09 CST

On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 12:54:45AM +0100, Mike Nordell wrote:
> I just noticed a _really_ strange behaviour. The Win32 Lists dialog get
> messages every timer tick, and that timer seems to be ticking, let me tell
> you.
> Now why (the hell) would a dialog want to recieve timer messages?
> The simple and abvious answer to this is "unless it has a 'control' to
> update every second (and I sure hope we have nothing like that) it should
> not get timer messages".
> I won't fix this anomaly until someone at least comments on it, but then I
> will kill this behaviour (it's a bug in our framework, and I think it
> connects to my post about Windows and Views).

Well, it may be that the timer should be in the XP part of the dialog, but
Martin has timer code in lists for a reason. Try this. Create a list
with the toolbar, open the lists dialog, select the list in the document,
and turn off the list. The list dialog should update to reflect these

This has to do with the whole idea of modeless dialogs, which I actually
like quite a lot.

        sam th
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