Re: SDI AbiWord, clipboards and overall design

Subject: Re: SDI AbiWord, clipboards and overall design
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Wed Nov 22 2000 - 18:25:40 CST

Sam TH wrote:
> We *definitely* currently allow multiple AbiWord processes on Linux,
> and I'm pretty sure we do on Win as well. In fact, I have multiple
> copies running much of the time, just to test different features. I
> think restricting this would be a mistake, as well as practically
> impossible.

I also think it would be a mistake, though it would be quite easily to
enforce a "one process policy" should that decision arise, why I have to
disagree about the "practically impossible" part.
Please note that I'm not in opposition of allowing multiple AW processes! I
was just investigatin the possible scenarios.

[multiple clipboards...]
> I really think I missed what you are going for here. Why can't your
> imaginary operation just overwrite the clipboard like a normal copy?
> I think trying to coordinate memory sharing between multiple copies of
> AbiWord would be well-nigh impossible. Think about X forwarding for a
> moment. I have often had AbiWord windows on my desktop that were
> running on different computers. How would your solution deal with
> this?

Well, I didn't actually propose a solution. It was more of a display of what
I believe is a problem and one possible solution of that (possible
imaginary) problem.

Perhaps it is acceptable to overwrite the clipboard contents with the
privated AbiWord format for a lists style, but I would (sure as hell) not
accept it when I know what this app is actually capable of. But that's *my*
opinion as a "power user". But just because we target the public with AW, I
don't think we should leave the "power users" out in the cold. This point
actually connects to a thesis I have about user interfaces, but that's not
the point here. If you wan't it (in full, but rewritten from scratch) you're
free to meil me and I'll do the best I can.

As you note there is a real problem with using remote X screens. I don't
know how X handles clipboard data in this situation. Does X send the client
clipboard data to the server when the server requests to read the clipboard
(or at any other point in time)?
Unless this behaviour is already present in X the point is moot, but if it
does indeed work this way I would (reluctantly) agree with your solution of
letting the (possibly remote) AbiWord-private clipboard format replace the
local clipboard.

Remote mapped memory is better dealth with in other projects. :-)

/Mike - please don't cc

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