Re: Tree Branched

Subject: Re: Tree Branched
From: Thomas Fletcher (
Date: Wed Nov 29 2000 - 07:45:41 CST

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Sam TH wrote:

> Could you have one of them send an email to the list confirming that
> it works? The message should include the filename and md5sum.

I will have one of them drop a message today.
> Also, does QNX not use dynamic libraries?

Yes it does ... but I would have to tweak and fiddle with the
build parameters. It is on the TODO list but right now we are
only providing binary releases.

> Finally, does our QNX build system support providing binary tarballs?

As far as I know there is no AbiSource machine set up
for making QNX binaries (which in turn meant that
there was also no tinderbox set up). You could distribute
a tarball is you wanted, nothing stopping you from using
the same tar code as for the unix distributions (other
than the fact we don't need the fonts) ... and I've done
that in the past. QRTP (QNX Real Time Platform
has its own package manager and filesystem and this is what
the qpkg distribution provides. (Kinda like a .deb or a .rpm
but different still).

Thomas (toe-mah) Fletcher QNX Software Systems Neutrino Development Group

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