Patch: new Gnome Spelling Dialog + Please Help

Subject: Patch: new Gnome Spelling Dialog + Please Help
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Wed Oct 11 2000 - 10:54:41 CDT

First: Here's a (code) overhaul to the spelling dialog and a new Gnome
spelling dialog. I'm posting this here for people to comment on button icon
choice before I commit. If you don't like an icon, look through
/prefix/include/libgnomeui/gnome-stock.h and tell me what icon you think
would be appropriate.

Second: could someone please tell me that the current dialog works? As you
can see from the screenshot, the dialog is entirely empty on my machine.
This happened before even before I made any changes to ap_UnixDialog_Spell.
The funny thing is that it still ignores the correct words when you hit the
ignore button and changes the word to a sensible value after you hit the
change button. I put liberal UT_DEBUGMSG(("Current word is: %s", p)); in
_showMisspelledWord() but all I get is "Current word is: " Is this a
side-effect of the megapatch or perhaps RH7 is messed up? I don't know. I'd
appreciate the help or confirmation that my box is fried.

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