Font weirdness

Subject: Font weirdness
From: David Schmitz (
Date: Wed Oct 11 2000 - 16:51:14 CDT

I am taking a course in classical Greek and with the mid-term coming up
I thought I'd download some greek fonts and give 'em a whirl under
Abiword. I tried a couple of different faces; the one which comes with
the WinGreek 2.0 package and the the Silver Mountain Creek Greek
typeface. (Both can be obtained at ) I came to like the Silver
Mountain because you can insert diacritical marks as "zero width"
characters, that is, for example, you can hit the '+' key and a
circumflex will (ideally) appear over the previous character.

Now, the problem is this: at lower zoom/point size, the display shows
funky characters instead of looking like it should, but at the highter
zoom/point sizes everything renders nicely. Examples of this bug can be
found at and in this example, I typed "o) a)/nqrwpoj"

As an aside, everything prints nicely; I printed to a .ps file and
viewed it under gv.

David Schmitz
Please allow me to introduce myself:
I'm a man of wealth and taste.

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