Re: [RFH] Page Numbers, Listeners, and populateStrux

Subject: Re: [RFH] Page Numbers, Listeners, and populateStrux
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Fri Oct 13 2000 - 06:09:38 CDT

A long time ago Sam wrote:

[RFH] == Request For Help

The major bug with my page numbers hack is that they don't display
automatically. Through some good ol digging with grep, I discovered the
code that I want to execute to display the footer/header properly. It is
in fl_DocListener::populateStrux()

This code is called whenever the appropriate PD_Document gets a new
listener. Unfortunately, this only ever happens (AFAIK) when the document
is opened, and therefore the footers never redisplay properly.

So, I would like to use this code, but it doesn't just paste in. And I
don't think that I want to add a new Listener to the Document, since this
is just a one time operation. Should I add the listener? Is there
another way to use this code? What can I do?

I think I can help here. What we need to do is use this code to
fix/implement the format() method associated with headers/footers and make
sure the formatAll() method in fl_DocLayout() includes this in it's
itteration over the document. We also have to make sure this gets
called after the insert page number method in fv_View() Sam has already
written. We also have to check that updateScreen() includes the
header/footers if it's invoked at the appropriate level.

I'll get to this eventually if someone else doesn't beat me to it :-)



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