Sorry, I'm back again.

Subject: Sorry, I'm back again.
From: Pablo Montesinos (
Date: Thu Oct 26 2000 - 02:14:21 CDT

Hi. I've been away for a month and now I'm very frightened. I've read last
messages and I don't know if we will still develop Abiword. Please, could
someone explain it to me?.

I've got a subject this year and I must work in a project. I told my
teacher to work in Abiword (I would spend "at least" two hours every day
developing Abiword until June 2001). My teacher accepted the suggestion
but I need to
demostrate him what I'm doing really. Is there any way to do that?. I
other people in my class would be interested too and maybe they'd
develop Abiword.


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