fields, twins, and ISP problems

Subject: fields, twins, and ISP problems
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Fri Sep 22 2000 - 17:04:49 CDT

Due to some ISP problems since the move, I'm not even sure this message will
make it to the list, so I'll keep things short.

1. The twins are doing really, really well. Thanks to everyone who sent
private messages of encouragement. It's kind of a trial by fire sometimes,
but being a dad is still really cool.

2. Congrats on all the great work that's been happening over the past few
months! I still haven't found time to sync my CVS view yet, but I did grab
a peek at the 0.7.11 binaries, and it's great to see all the user-visbile
progress that's been made. I'm itching to see how some of those features
have been coded, but first ...

3. Fields. As everyone's concluded, my time is still far too choppy for me
to finish coding this feature in any useful timeframe. However, I do have a
bunch of design material which should be of help to Martin et al, so I'll
push to get that out ASATTGBTSA (as soon as the twins go back to sleep

Now, where did I put those bottles? ...


PS: If anyone ever trys to convince you that you can "skim" 2000 email
messages, shoot them. It's not fun.

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