why some dialogs and widgets(!) on unix have fixed dimensions?

Subject: why some dialogs and widgets(!) on unix have fixed dimensions?
From: Vlad Harchev (hvv@hippo.ru)
Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 13:09:04 CDT


 Just tested translation of stringset to Russian - it appears that some
dialogs on unix have fixed dimensions (e.g. font dialog and some others).
I think this doesn't make sense at all. The dialog can work OK for english but
will possibly need increase of dimensions. Even more, not only dimensions for
entire dialog are hardcoded, but the size of individual widgets (e.g. label's
- that truncates label's text if it doesn't fit into that width) ! (Using
gtk_widget_set_usize)! This breaks the look horribly if another font size or
even font used by gtk is selected. So, I see no reason to hardcode dimensions
of dialogs and widgets.

 May I fix this?

 Best regards,

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