Re: bidi support

Subject: Re: bidi support
Date: Thu Apr 05 2001 - 21:30:28 CDT

> Hi Diego,
Hi tomas

> I assume by backwards you mean left-to-right, i.e, the direction is
> wrong. I also assume that you compiled AW yourself, since the
> precompiled binaries are without bidi support. Could you compile a
> debug build (add ABI_OPT_DEBUG=1 to the make command line),
> and then as you start, before you type anything, see if the debug
> messages contain 'GTK-Warning: locale not supported by C library'
> (if it is present, it is fairly near the top of the debug messages), or
> any other messages that could be relevant.
You assume partly right. I d/l the binary. which suprises me. How come I can
read hebrew DOC files correctly?
Maybe I should copmile. If will it will be under linux. I have a slow
computer (233) so it will take time.

> Now, if you find this particular message, could you please let me
> know (1) what locale you are using, and (2) whether the locale
> seems to work otherwise.

> Thank for you help
> Tomas
No, thank you for a great software. When it will be done, IMHO even offices
here will have no good reason why to pay for an OS and Office suit.

 - diego

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