request to implement Mail Merging feature

Subject: request to implement Mail Merging feature
From: Noah Lively (
Date: Sun Apr 08 2001 - 23:48:27 CDT

Hi all :)

I'm new to this list, but I subscribed because I want to follow the development of AbiWord. It's a great project!

I wrote a simple mail merging program in Perl that works with ascii files, including AbiWord xml-based files. I wanted to find some way to implement this program (or a program like it) into AbiWord. Is it possible to use a perl script from AbiWord?

Right now it's not a complicated program at all... it only handles simple text databases... My next task is to improve it to work with MySQL-based databases.

I don't have a lot of time or programming expertise, so I was wondering if somebody else could handle implementation if the code I write. I think it would be a great feature! I have to use mail merging a lot at work, and I'm sick of using MS Works. ;-)

 ~Noah Lively

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