C++ refs [was: some comments about our C++ code...]

Subject: C++ refs [was: some comments about our C++ code...]
From: Mike Nordell (tamlin@algonet.se)
Date: Sun Apr 15 2001 - 15:26:23 CDT

Jesper wrote:
> Does someone have some good references on C++ coding standards /
> paradigms? Singleton and other funky words I've seen fly by the last
> couple of days don't mean much to me.

"Gof" (the Gang of Four: Erigh Gamma, ) "Design Patterns" is the mother of
todays patterns: Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides. Design Patterns: Elements
of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison Wesley, 1995. ISBN

There are excerpts from it floating around on the web, and it's the basis
when discussing OOD nowadays (Flyweight, Decorator, Abstract Factory,
Singleton ...).

Other good reading is any book by Scott Meyers (the "Effective C++" series
comes to mind), Bjarnes D&E (Design and Evolution of C++, "the bible"),
perhaps Coplien.Probably also Lakos "Large scale development" that doesn't
go into depths re. OOD, but contains some quite useful info on how to handle
large scale projects. Since AW is growing it could prove useful.

A google search for any of the above terms should turn up enough info to
keep anyone occupied for a while :-)

> Mike, I believe you suggested www.cuj.com a while back. Others worth
> looking at? Any good whitepapers?

http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite is a good resource.

As for whitepapers I don't know about any, but they should exist.

> If so, those should be linked to on the developer pages. I can add
> them if you give 'em to me.

Good point. I think the C++ FAQ lite should be there. A link to CD2 couldn't
hurt either (e.g http://www.cygnus.com/misc/wp/). Perhaps

I think we start with this. :-)


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