Re: Screen coordinates vs layout units (also comment commit)

Subject: Re: Screen coordinates vs layout units (also comment commit)
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 07:18:06 CDT

>>>>> "jskov" == jskov <> writes:

jskov> We need precision. I'm not sure how to achieve it. Possibly by
jskov> also updating line heights in the fp_Column.cpp::layout loop
jskov> when their Y positions are assigned? That's what I would
jskov> suggest, but I'm not sure of all the implications - would
jskov> anyone care to comment?

So as not to be considered a total moron: yes, I'm aware that we
compute sizes from "the inside out". But since part of the line's
screen properties are controller from the outside, it doesn't seem too
bad if others were as well. No, this should not cause infinite

Alternatively, let the container work with the screen sizes provided
by the line - but then we lose precision.


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