AW not working on Unix

Subject: AW not working on Unix
From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 08:02:48 CDT

I have just made a clean Unix build of the CVS version, and AW is
not working at all. It would appear that the EncodingManager is at
fault. I have attached the console debug messages; everything gets
screwed up after the message
DEBUG: XAP_EncodingManager builded

Notably, the paths to preferences files are corrupted, and later on
the fonts in the default directory are loaded three times (should
really be looking for the locale based alternative directories
instead). Then it completely ignores the fact that LANG was set to
en_GB and pretends the locale is en_US, complaining that some
of the hardwired en_US strings are missing!!! The keyboard is
dead, every single character getting remapped.

I would seem to me that the EncodingManager is writing into
memory space that does not belong to it on a fairly large scale.
Hope we can get this sorted soon.


    Setting fontpath: /usr/local/AbiSuite/fonts
DEBUG: Build ID:
DEBUG: Version: unnumbered
DEBUG: Build Options: LicensedTrademarks:Off Debug:On BiDi:On /LTR dominant/ G
nome:Off LibXML:Off Pspell:Off Scripting:Off
DEBUG: Build Target: /windows/AbiCVS/abi_mine/src/Linux_2.2.17_i386_DBG/obj
DEBUG: Compile Date: Apr 16 2001
DEBUG: Compile Time: 13:15:13

Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
DEBUG: DEFAULT ToolbarAppearance |icon|icon|
DEBUG: DEFAULT UnixFontPath |fonts|fonts|
DEBUG: DEFAULT RemapGlyphsMasterSwitch |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT RemapGlyphsNoMatterWhat |0|0|
DEBUG: DEFAULT RemapGlyphsDefault |°|°|
DEBUG: DEFAULT RemapGlyphsTable |‘`’'“"”"|
DEBUG: DEFAULT SmartQuotesEnable |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT UseSuffix |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT DefaultPageSize |Letter|Letter|
DEBUG: DEFAULT DefaultDirectionRtl |0|0|
DEBUG: DEFAULT AutoSaveFile |0|0|
DEBUG: DEFAULT AutoSaveFilePeriod |5|5|
DEBUG: DEFAULT AutoSaveFileExt |.bak|.bak|
DEBUG: DEFAULT EmbedFontsInPs |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT TransparentColor |ffffff|ffffff|
DEBUG: DEFAULT CursorBlink |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT AutoSpellCheck |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT SpellCheckCaps |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT SpellCheckNumbers |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT SpellCheckInternet |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT SpellCheckIgnoredWordsSave |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT SpellCheckIgnoredWordsLoad |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT OptionsTabNumber |0|0|
DEBUG: DEFAULT RulerUnits |in|in|
DEBUG: DEFAULT RulerVisible |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT StandardBarVisible |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT FormatBarVisible |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT ExtraBarVisible |0|0|
DEBUG: DEFAULT StatusBarVisible |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT ParaVisible |0|0|
DEBUG: DEFAULT SpellCheckWordList |american.hash|american.hash|
DEBUG: DEFAULT StringSet |en-US|en-US|
DEBUG: DEFAULT KeyBindings |default|default|
DEBUG: DEFAULT KeyBindingsCycle |0|0|
DEBUG: DEFAULT InsertMode |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT InsertModeToggle |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT MenuLayouts |Main|Main|
DEBUG: DEFAULT MenuLabelSet |en-US|en-US|
DEBUG: DEFAULT ToolbarLabelSet |en-US|en-US|
DEBUG: DEFAULT ToolbarLayouts |FileEditOps FormatOps ExtraOps|FileEditOps Format
Ops ExtraOps|
DEBUG: DEFAULT layoutMode |1|1|
DEBUG: DEFAULT SpellCheckDirectory |dictionary|dictionary|
DEBUG: DEFAULT StringSetDirectory |strings|strings|
DEBUG: DEFAULT DefaultDirectionRtl |0|0|
DEBUG: Building XAP_EncodingManager
DEBUG: EncodingManager reports the following:
        NativeEncodingName is UTF-8, LanguageISOName is en,
        LanguageISOTerritory is GB, fallbackchar is '?'
        TexPrologue follows:
        WinLanguageCode is 0x0409, WinCharsetCode is 0
        cjk_locale 0, can_break_words 0, swap_utos 0, swap_stou 0
DEBUG: XAP_EncodingManager builded
DEBUG: could not open system default preferences file [04°¨al/AbiSuite/AbiWord/s
DEBUG: could not open system default preferences file [/usr/local/AbiSuite/AbiWo
DEBUG: could not open system default preferences file [/usr/loc].
DEBUG: could not open system default preferences file [H©H©al/AbiSuite/AbiWord/s

**** (1) Assert ****
**** (1) szSystemDefaultPrefsPathname && *szSystemDefaultPrefsPathname at xap_Pr
efs.cpp:1251 ****
**** (1) Continue ? (y/n) [y] : y
DEBUG: could not open system default preferences file [].
DEBUG: Preferences::setCurrentScheme [_builtin_].
DEBUG: Prefs: Using LOCALE info from environment [en-US]
DEBUG: Found preferences for application [AbiWord-BiDi] (this is [AbiWord-BiDi])
DEBUG: Reserved scheme name [_builtin_] found in file; ignoring.
DEBUG: Preferences::setCurrentScheme [_builtin_].
DEBUG: Clipboard: initializing
DEBUG: Clipboard: property [CLIPBOARD atom 413]
DEBUG: Clipboard: property [PRIMARY atom 1]
DEBUG: Clipboard: target [TARGETS atom 414]
DEBUG: Clipboard: target [TIMESTAMP atom 415]
DEBUG: Clipboard: target [text/rtf atom 411]
DEBUG: Clipboard: target [TEXT atom 412]
DEBUG: Clipboard: target [STRING atom 31]

Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
DEBUG: File says 69 fonts should follow...
DEBUG: Read 69 fonts from directory [/usr/local/AbiSuite/fonts/].
DEBUG: Cannot open [/usr/local/AbiSuite/fonts/en/fonts.dir] to read fonts list.DEBUG: File says 69 fonts should follow...
DEBUG: Read 69 fonts from directory [/usr/local/AbiSuite/fonts/].
DEBUG: File says 69 fonts should follow...
DEBUG: Read 69 fonts from directory [/usr/local/AbiSuite/fonts/].
DEBUG: File says 69 fonts should follow...
DEBUG: Read 69 fonts from directory [/usr/local/AbiSuite/fonts/].
Can't open american.hash
DEBUG: Setting field type desc for type 1, desc=Date and Time
DEBUG: Setting field type desc for type 2, desc=Application
DEBUG: Setting field type desc for type 3, desc=Numbers
DEBUG: Setting field type desc for type 4, desc=Piece Table
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field time, desc=Current Time
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field date, desc=Current Date
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field date_mmddyy, desc=mm/dd/yy
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field date_ddmmyy, desc=dd/mm/yy
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field date_mdy, desc=Month Day, Year
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field date_mthdy, desc=Mth. Day, Year
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field date_dfl, desc=Default date representation
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field date_ntdfl, desc=Default date (w/o time)
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field date_wkday, desc=The weekday
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field date_doy, desc=Day # in the year
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field time_miltime, desc=Military Time
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field time_ampm, desc=AM/PM
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field time_zone, desc=Time Zone
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field time_epoch, desc=Seconds since the epoch
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field file_name, desc=File Name
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field app_ver, desc=Version
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field app_id, desc=Build Id.
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field app_options, desc=Build Options
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field app_target, desc=Build Target
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field app_compiledate, desc=Compile Date
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field app_compiletime, desc=Compile Time
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field page_number, desc=Page Number
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field page_count, desc=Number of Pages
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field list_label, desc=List Label
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field word_count, desc=Word Count
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field char_count, desc=Character Count
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field line_count, desc=Line Count
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field para_count, desc=Paragraph Count
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field nbsp_count, desc=Character Count (w/o spaces
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field test, desc=Kevins Test
DEBUG: Setting field desc for field martin_test, desc=Martins Test
DEBUG: AP_UnixFrame::initializeDEBUG: EV_UnixMenu::synthesizeMenu
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [131] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [132] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [133] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [134] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [135] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [136] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [137] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [138] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [139] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [140] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [141] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [142] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [143] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [144] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [145] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [146] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [147] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [148] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [149] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [150] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [151] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [152] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [153] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [154] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [155] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [156] not found.
DEBUG: WARNING: en-US translation for menu id [157] not found.
DEBUG: XAP_UnixFontManager::getAllFonts [count 69]
DEBUG: FIXME: Need GTK color picker for the toolbar
DEBUG: FIXME: Need GTK color picker for the toolbar
DEBUG: AP_UnixFrame::toggleBar 0, 1
DEBUG: AP_UnixFrame::toggleBar 1, 1
DEBUG: AP_UnixFrame::toggleBar 2, 0
DEBUG: AP_UnixFrame::toggleStatusBar 1
DEBUG: DOM: trying to load (null) (0, 0)
DEBUG: fp_PageSize::Set("Letter")
DEBUG: fp_PageSize::Set("Letter")
DEBUG: FL_DocLayout::_toggleAutoSpell (true)
DEBUG: FL_DocLayout::_toggleAutoSmartQuotes(true)
DEBUG: Insertion Point has moved before erasing
DEBUG: fv_View::draw() called with zero drawing area.
DEBUG: fv_View::draw() called with zero drawing area.
DEBUG: fv_View::draw() called with zero drawing area.
DEBUG: XAP_UnixFontManager::getDefaultFont
DEBUG: GR_Graphics::remapGlyph() refreshing cached values
DEBUG: RemapGlyphsTable[0] 0x2018 -> 0x0060
DEBUG: RemapGlyphsTable[1] 0x2019 -> 0x0027
DEBUG: RemapGlyphsTable[2] 0x201c -> 0x0022
DEBUG: RemapGlyphsTable[3] 0x201d -> 0x0022

This archive was generated by hypermail 2b25 : Mon Apr 16 2001 - 08:04:07 CDT