FAQ -- which formatter properties do we support?

Subject: FAQ -- which formatter properties do we support?
From: Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Date: Tue Apr 17 2001 - 15:25:25 CDT

FYI. A good place to start looking for which formatting properties we
support is:


Once you see a promising CSS-like property name there, you can grep the
sources to see where and how it's implemented, which should usually
correspond to the "official" CSS property of that name (if any).

Any gaps found in our support should be added to the following feature


If that's not accurate, please submit patches to either fix the problem, or
update the status matrix itself here:


Hope that helps!


PS: Sam, have you figured out a way to get updates to Karl's versions of
these matrices reflected to the public website yet?

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