Re: FreeBSD binaries

Subject: Re: FreeBSD binaries
From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 10:37:45 CDT

> > Another question, which probably shows my ignorance: TrueType font support.
> > Is this only on Linux, or should that work on any UNIX with XFree86 4.0.x
> > (built-in TrueType support)? I ask because the limited number of fonts is
> > forcing me to stick with Kword for most things. (And I much prefer Abi, but
> > I've got some 3000 weirdball TT fonts, which Abi staunchly refuses to
> > use...) I'm specifically asking if it works on FreeBSD, but I have a
> > NetBSD/x86 laptop, and I'd like for it to work there, too.
As far as the screen is concerned, it should work on any Unix with
ttf server, there is actually no ttf specific drawing code in AW, so if
you cannot display text with the fonts on screen, it is most likely
because the server is not serving them.

> But I gather you'll need AFM files for the TrueType fonts if you want AbiWord
> to print them.
You don't need to worry about the AFM files to print, AW will
generate them when it first needs them, or you can generate them
in bulk using the script in the AW bin directory.
However, the printer has to be able to handle postscript type 42
font, i.e., it needs to have a built-in ttf rasteriser.


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