Re: FreeBSD binaries

Subject: Re: FreeBSD binaries
From: David Given (
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 06:51:29 CDT

> Another question, which probably shows my ignorance: TrueType font support.
> Is this only on Linux, or should that work on any UNIX with XFree86 4.0.x
> (built-in TrueType support)? I ask because the limited number of fonts is
> forcing me to stick with Kword for most things. (And I much prefer Abi, but
> I've got some 3000 weirdball TT fonts, which Abi staunchly refuses to
> use...) I'm specifically asking if it works on FreeBSD, but I have a
> NetBSD/x86 laptop, and I'd like for it to work there, too.

I'm not a BSD user, but X's native TrueType font ought to work. Failing that,
there are at least two third-party X font servers that do TrueType (xtt and
xfstt; the latter's part of the FreeType library).

But I gather you'll need AFM files for the TrueType fonts if you want AbiWord
to print them.

+- David Given --------McQ-+ Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused his
|  Work:  | dentist's Novocain during root canal work? He
|  Play:    | wanted to transcend dental medication.             
+- -+ 

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