Call for writers - help us with the user documentation

Subject: Call for writers - help us with the user documentation
From: Jesper Skov (
Date: Sun Apr 29 2001 - 15:25:26 CDT


As you may know, we'll probably be heading for a 1.0 release within
the next 2-4 months. Before that will happen though, we need to get
all the documentation updated - both with new features, but also
polishing the existing text.

This is the current (matching AbiWord 0.7.10) documentation:
But there have been added many features since then.

We need good writers to help us update the documentation. Worst case
scenario, the 1.0 release will be postponed due to developers having
to update the documentation. We don't want that to happen - so please
pitch in here where everybody able to use AbiWord can actually make a

I'd like to start by asking for someone to step up and coordinate this

Please don't be shy!


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