Re: Call for writers - help us with the user documentation

Subject: Re: Call for writers - help us with the user documentation
Date: Sun Apr 29 2001 - 21:58:52 CDT

On Sun, Apr 29, 2001 at 10:25:26PM +0200, Jesper Skov wrote:
> As you may know, we'll probably be heading for a 1.0 release within
> the next 2-4 months. Before that will happen though, we need to get

Since when?

> We need good writers to help us update the documentation. Worst case
> scenario, the 1.0 release will be postponed due to developers having
> to update the documentation. We don't want that to happen - so please

Terribly more important things won't make it into 1.0 because after the mythical 0.9 no new features will be added (stupid imho) because some (irresponsible perhaps?) minds want a 1.0 at all costs, but will be delayed for the sake of a small amount of documentation?

This is not a word processor with a few thousands of features, if you get my drift. If you don't, then...
  Users will exhaust what they can do (in terms of features) with abiword pretty easily even without docs
  Users will complain of the lack of certain "critical" features that a *final* gold version of a word processor should at least have.

Hugs, rms

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