Re: dictionaries

Subject: Re: dictionaries
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu Dec 13 2001 - 08:27:55 CST

On Thu, 2001-12-13 at 04:47, Benoit Rouits wrote:
> Well,
> I am interested in the "dict" protocol described
> in RFC 2229 at
> you can test it at
> It can give you definitions but also similar written words by
> using "Match words within Levenshtein disance one" (in advanced query)
> and also phoneticaly similar words by using "SOUNDEX algorithm"
> (advanced query).
> Well, it's very interesting and i plan to read the RFC and could
> eventually
> work on making a plug-in.
> So it would be good to talk about it to the dev ML, (it's CCed)
> The only problem (currently) is that there are only american and english
> online dictionnaries that use the dict protocol.
> Any other ideas ?

AbiWord already has several dictionary plugins:

Gnome has a GDict plugin
There is a URLDictionary plugin for any platform

Note that these are more of "webster's" dictionaries - i.e. they contain
similar words, definitions, etc... Ispell dictionaries are an entirely
separate beast, and will only tell you if your word is misspelled or
spelled correctly.

Automagically updating ispell hash files is insanely difficult for a
number of reasons. We could put up a webpage with a list of known
dictionary distributors, but it's unlikely that we'll have an
auto-download/update feature, at least in the near future.


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