Website "Contribute" Section

Subject: Website "Contribute" Section
From: Jared Davis (
Date: Sat Dec 15 2001 - 04:04:46 CST


"So we're always looking for new people to help. And while (unfortunately) a
common misconception is that a project like AbiWord would only benefit from
more programmers, it is not the case! Whatever your ability, we'll be able to
use it. If you are interested in spending a little time making AbiWord a
better word processor, please don't hesitate to join the developer mailing
list and offer your services."

"We need the user web pages to guide volunteers to where they can help
Yet you go to their homepage - not a mention of how to help! When you go to
see how to help (once you find it), it is very confusing for anybody who has
not actually done it. It is a very well written plea but they need to get
users to see how easy it really is to help."

"Where do I send translated files."

[3] To: <>
"Hello, I want to translate abiword to turkish. Do you send me codes?"

I suggest that we create a new top-level section called "Contribute." We
could possibly move "suggest an idea" and "report a bug" into this section.
We could also create a page discussing translations (who to send them to,
how to translate the program, etc.).

Any other tasks that can be accomplished by "normal" (non-programmer) users
could be put into here. I don't know what sort of tasks these would include
off the top of my head. (Templates for reports and resumes? Clipart? Bug
verification / QA? Packaging for distribution? Documentation? ... )

Time we harnessed this bazaar we keep preaching about?

I will implement this if someone who knows can come up with a good,
comprehensive guide on how to translate abiword into another language.
Failing this, if you can at least give me a rough idea on:
  1. how/where to download whatever files need to be downloaded
  2. how to convert the files into new language X
  3. who to send them to when you're done

Then I can throw together the guide myself.

I don't know what other people think are good ideas for other
user-contributable things. Please let me know and we can get a "contribute"
section up and running.

PS -- apologies for my unavailability over the last few days, classes have
really got me down. finals are over by the end of next week so i'll be back
in action then.


Love all, serve all.

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