language coordination proposal

Subject: language coordination proposal
From: Damon Allen Davison (
Date: Sat Dec 15 2001 - 05:11:37 CST

I'm new to the list, but have been happily using AbiWord for a few
months now to do lots of quick and dirty word processing and some LaTeX
formatting that I used to have to write Perl scripts to do. I'm writing
now to sound out an idea I had.

Some of the translations in the string files are not correct, but not
uniformly so. (I don't want to attract flames or make bad blood, so I
won't mention specific languages.) AbiWord could use someone to
coordinate and actively recruit users to correct current string files
and to add to them. I propose to do this after I am done with a serious
and time-consuming bit of business at the beginning of the year.

I speak/read/write German, French, Spanish, Italian, and to some degree
most of the other Romance languages. The ones I mentioned specifically,
I master at a near-native level. The idea, however, is to get native
speakers to do this work in groups of three or so, so that they can
check their own work -- if one doesn't know, the others will.

Looking forward to getting some feedback on this idea.




Damon Allen Davison

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