Re: Funding/Financial support for FreeSoftware

Subject: Re: Funding/Financial support for FreeSoftware
From: Alan (
Date: Wed Dec 19 2001 - 17:49:49 CST

Dean Luick wrote:

>On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 06:19:55PM +1100, Damian Ivereigh wrote:
>>I am investigating the possibilities for funding Free Software such as
>Perhaps I am missing something, but everyone seems to be overlooking
>tax considerations. Does anyone have any _real_ information on whether
>just opening an account somewhere and accepting money is legal or not?
It depends entirely what country you are in, and their respetive tax laws.
I would have to assume that the amounts of money being sent would not be
enough to be of concern to most taxmen.
at the moment abiword is a non profit volunteer group so it may be
considered a donation.
if you are looking to donate *large* sums and deduct for it against your
taxes im sure arrangements could be made, just there has never been the
demand before.

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