International AutoText

Subject: International AutoText
From: Andrew Dunbar (
Date: Sun Dec 30 2001 - 03:02:09 CST

Well I hate AutoText and this discussion has been and
gone a couple of times but since I've been using an
international MS Word:mac lately I happened to notice
how it handles the problem.

AutoText is language-sensitive. When I'm in an
span of text, AutoText menus and inserted text will be
in English; when in a German span, both are in German;
when in French, both are in French.

I'm in Switzerland where my hosts are all German
speakers but all computers are installed as English
with all options for German and French, and sometimes

If they had AbiWord, they would not be able to use
AutoText when they start a new document and set the
language to German because the AutoText will still
be in English...

It turns out none of my hosts like AutoText either
but they all agree that it should work for the current
document language, regardless of the OS language.

Feel free to ignore this post and treat it as
flamebait (: I'll see if there's a bug report to add
this comment to and forget about it...

Andrew Dunbar.


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