Re: bool accepted == true ? (was Re: Abi string class)

Subject: Re: bool accepted == true ? (was Re: Abi string class)
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Thu Feb 01 2001 - 07:57:55 CST

Joaquin Cuenca Abela wrote:
> of course it will be cool to use map, vector, the algos, etc. but I
> think it's better to wait for our "supported" compilers to implement
> correctly the STL (btw, are there any "supported" compiler (not an
> imaginary one) that right now fails to implement this stuff?

Yes. MSVC. PJP wasn't able to implement a conforming implementations since
M$ (the largest software company on earth?) couldn't produce a conforming
compiler. His implementation was buggy. Btw, it's confirmed they're not
going to deliver a conforming C++ compiler even with the 7.0. :-<
There are available bugfixes for the header files at dinkumware site, but M$
still ships the old buggy stuff.

But there is another problem we face. What "supported" compilers do we have?
Sam, feel free to pitch in any time. We maintain a "least common
denominator" approach atm which I _do_ approve of, no matter what my
postings might suggest. But I think we at least once in a while (6 months,
one year?) should evaluate our position re. these issues.

> It would be cool, too, if we could use namespaces... the
> UT_ stuff is not very sexy.

Amen! That would be progress in the right direction. It would also draw a
distinct border between XAP and AP stuff (don't know the difference? Hardly
do I from time to time :-) ).
I've read something about gcc not handling namespaces. Surely that must have
been before 2.95.x, or?


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