PageSize Backend and some changes to PageSize front end.

Subject: PageSize Backend and some changes to PageSize front end.
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Thu Feb 01 2001 - 18:12:21 CST

HI everyone,
            Joaquin has told me that he has a modal version of the Lists
dialog, which is close to the MS Word version and is almost set to go so.
When he's ready I'll help him out on that.

In the meantime I'm going to implement the PageSetup back end now. I think
most of the work will be done by Monday but I may need to help to get
printing working for Landscape orientation.

I think we will need to change a few things in abi to do this properly so
I'm raising the issues now.

I plan to extend PageSize.cpp to allow a "Custom" pagetype which has
predefined heights and widths of 0.

I think we should also have a new PageSize memeber variable
"m_bisLandScape". If true this would swap the getWidth and getHeight
return values. The printing code should interogate this to determine if
printing in in Landscape or protrait mode.

This should also be written out in the header of the *.abw file format.

For the GUI unless the "custom" pagetype is selected the page height and
width spin buttons should be de-activated (greyed out).

Upon pressing "OK" on the GUI all views on the current document will be
updated to the current page layout as defined in the GUI. I can re-use al
ot of the zoom code to do this.

Anyway I'll get onto this so if you think these things are incorrect you'd
better speak now...



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