Re: commit -- focus change

Subject: Re: commit -- focus change
From: Aaron Lehmann (
Date: Fri Feb 02 2001 - 19:33:01 CST

(oh no! now the abisource folks are BAAACCK, and i'll get punished for
my selfish design changes)

Hi Paul,

I read your posts, and disagree with their selection handling
proposition. It does seem sensible to me to avoid blinking the cursor
when the frame is not what has input focus (see #1099), but I do not
quite understand the logic behind hiding the selection when the window
is not focused. I have never seen another X application do this. If I
use a selection to "highlight" something as a crude way of marking my
place of something I'm reading, then switch to another window and try
to work off the text I had hilighted in the AbiWord window, I can't
unless I find it again!

Window managers do a good job of indicating which window has focus, and
I think it's just wrong to make things of possible value to the user
(such as selections) just disappear when the window loses input focus.

Several people on the list have expressed agreement in the past. Any

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