Re: PageSize Backend and some changes to PageSize front end.

Subject: Re: PageSize Backend and some changes to PageSize front end.
From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Sun Feb 04 2001 - 09:18:55 CST

At 1:00 AM +1100 2/5/01, Martin Sevior wrote:
>I implemented this but it is in debug until someone fixes the interesting
>behaviour that ocuurs when pasting a section with 3 columns into a
>sections with 2 columns :-) BTW what should happen?
        You can't do that - sections are not embeddable!

        If you allow the copying of entire sections (which is nice!)
- then what would happen is that you'd end the original 2 column
section, insert the new 3 column section, and then restart the 2
column section. That would give the user the expected behavior, and
maintain the integrity of sections.


                   You've got a SmartFriend in Pennsylvania
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