FINAL PATCH: Compilation with LIBXML2

Subject: FINAL PATCH: Compilation with LIBXML2
From: Frodo Looijaard (
Date: Sun Feb 04 2001 - 16:59:24 CST

Hi folks,

the final (third) patch in this series disables linking with libexpat
if LIBXML2 is set. Sorry for spreading this out in three separate mails,
but I had not expected to encounter more troubles.

Please review the second mail in this series with the question why we
support both expat and libxml.


Frodo Looijaard <>  PGP key and more:
Defenestration n. (formal or joc.):
  The act of removing Windows from your computer in disgust, usually followed
  by the installation of Linux or some other Unix-like operating system.

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