Re: Speaking of the Style Dialog...

Subject: Re: Speaking of the Style Dialog...
From: John L. Clark (
Date: Tue Feb 06 2001 - 20:15:37 CST

On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 12:10:20PM +1100, Martin Sevior wrote:
> Do:
> PD_Document * pDoc =
> getFrame()->getCurrentView()->getLayout()->getDocument();

Hmmm, I'm not entirely sure how to word this, so you'll have to forgive
any points of unclarity. getFrame() is a method of EV_UnixToolbar, but
not of EV_Toolbar, but UnixToolBar_StyleCombo (via EV_Toolbar_Control)
has a EV_Toolbar* member. So how can I access this method in a platform
independent way?

I then attempted to gain access to this function by adding a declaration
for it in EV_Toolbar (which is a clue that I'm doing something wrong,
but anyway...), but then I get:

ap_UnixToolbar_StyleCombo.cpp:78: no matching
function for call to `AV_View::getLayout ()'

And AV_View doesn't actually have any reference to Document information,
either (which, as far as I can tell, makes sense in the class

So what am I missing, in the class scheme of things?
> Feel free to keep us posted and ask for help!

As you can see, I will be taking this advice. :)

Take care,


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