Re: Commit: Various Lists UI improvements.

Subject: Re: Commit: Various Lists UI improvements.
From: Sam TH (
Date: Wed Feb 07 2001 - 14:51:05 CST

On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 03:21:50PM -0500, Randy Kramer wrote:
> Just for the record, you can collapse and expand portions of an outline
> in Word. In Word 97 outline view, each heading is preceded by a + or -
> sign (much like a treeview control). And it works much like a tree
> control -- if the heading is collapsed, you click on the + and it
> expands, if it is expanded, you click on the - and it collapses.
> I understand that what Leonard alludes to may be a different way of
> choosing which sections to expand and collapse. And, he is right, this
> expanding and collapsing can only take place in Outline view (in current
> Windows versions of Word -- IIRC, in the dos versions I didn't have to
> switch view modes, but that was many moons ago). I take advantage of
> the current design, usually keeping the outline collapsed to a
> convenient level in outline view. I can navigate quickly in outline
> view, then switch to normal view to instantly expand the outline for
> reading / editing.

I'm not sure if I'm not making myself clear, or if you are talking
about something else. If it's the latter, just ignore this.

In word, outline mode if a *view* on the structure of the document,
where word determines some levels from the formatting you already
have. This allows people to see the structure of the document they
have written, and according to your reports, alter it at a high
level. This sounds like a cool feature.

In wordperfect, there is no "outline mode". You can create an
outline, just like we can create a list in abiword. This outline has
levels, and looks something like this:


here we have some text that isn't in the outline.

I heading one A subheading i sub-subheading ii sub-subheading B subheading I heading two A subheading

this is after the end of the outline


the text looks the same regardless of what view you are in, and prints with all the heading (I don't think word prints the outline numbers, does it?).

However, if you want to, you can only display certain levels of the outline. For example, if you only wanted the top two levels, it would look like this:


here we have some text that isn't in the outline.

I heading one A subheading B subheading I heading two A subheading

this is after the end of the outline


You get the idea. I don't know what printing looks like of a partially collapsed outline.

This feature was the one I missed second-most when I used Word (after reveal codes [1]). I think it would be really nice to have in Abi.

[1] Is anyone thinking about reveal codes in Abi? It's less neccessary, thanks to the XML file format, but it would still be cool. sam th GnuPG Key:

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