Mime-types (was Re: Please Read: Glade usage guidlines)

Subject: Mime-types (was Re: Please Read: Glade usage guidlines)
From: Tim Allen (rita_tim@tpg.com.au)
Date: Thu Feb 08 2001 - 02:57:21 CST

On 2001.02.08 12:34:36 +1100 Dom Lachowicz wrote:
> Please read this ABW doc RE: glade guidelines.
> Thanks,
> Dom


You often send abiword files to the list. I notice your mailer always seems
to set the mimetype to application/octet-stream. Would it be possible to
educate your mailer about abiword documents? And, for that matter, I think
we'd probably also need to educate the Apache server at www.abisource.com,
so it knows that abiword is a valid mime-type (ie add it to the mime.types
config file) and browsing of the mailing list from the archives would work.
One minor detail - what is the Abiword mime-type? I guess something like
application/x-abiword would be a reasonable stab at it. Or do we want to
register it officially, and hence lose the 'x-'? Or even, has someone
already registered it?

The benefit of this would be the ability to directly invoke AbiWord from
the mail client to read the document, rather than having to save the file



Tim Allen             http://www4.tpg.com.au/users/rita_tim/
tim@proximity.com.au  rita_tim@tpg.com.au

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