Re: The Win32 tinderbox build is dead...

Subject: Re: The Win32 tinderbox build is dead...
From: Sam TH (
Date: Thu Feb 08 2001 - 09:39:32 CST

On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 09:27:44AM -0500, Thomas Briggs wrote:
> long live the Win32 tinderbox build!
> No sooner do I get the damn thing green... *grr*

Unfortunately, that's a machine I don't have access to. It's Paul
Egli's machine at sourcegear. The usual Win32 box, which I do have
access to, hasn't been logged into in over a week, and since I don't
have a login, I can't do anything.

Shaw, if you don't want to use that machine for Abi, that's cool, but
I hate to see computers just sitting there unused.

> How hard is it to add new boxes to tinderbox? If I scrounged up a crappy
> old system, slapped Windows on it and set it up to build AbiWord all day,
> could we get the results included in tinderbox easily enough?

It's very easy. Anyone who wants to be a tinderbox hostcan be one
with a minimum of trouble. You just need a permanent internet
connection. If you are willing to do this, Tom, that would be great.
Then I wouldn't have to worry about the Win32 boxes at sourcegear,
which would be very nice.

Anyone else, esp. those with machines that we don't currently have
there, would be greatly appreciated. (hint, hint).
        sam th
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