RE: commit -- libglade support

Subject: RE: commit -- libglade support
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu Feb 08 2001 - 11:14:53 CST

>what feature? just wondering, what gives you the right to veto the change?
>I would understand that if there are many +1 to kick this feature, it has
>be kicked, but this veto history is stupid.
>Do I have the right to veto your veto?

Funny, I don't remeber this Apache voting system thing being accepted at
all, actually, or even who would say if it had been accepted. Even if you
limit the voting members to those in CREDITS.TXT, some 120 people have not
responded to this email. If you then further factor in those people who are
still at least minorly active in the project, there are like 15-20 people
who haven't voted... it seems unfair to disenfranchise them or to speak for
them - if we are to implement this system.

The implementation of glade and the Apache voting system was premature,
IMvHO. I find it amusing how there was a week-long discussion before we
changed bool in the tree with much voting and lots of intelligent exchanges
going on, but none before glade. bool didn't break the tree. bool didn't
require gettext. bool didn't break AIX... I hope I'm getting my (ironic)
point across.


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