Re: Mime-types

Subject: Re: Mime-types
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Fri Feb 09 2001 - 14:36:23 CST

ms> We'll make gnome user out of you yet :-) Import it into gnumeric
ms> (I have yet to have gnumeric fail on XLS import), export it as a
ms> native gnumeric file (gzipped XML), and you get orders of
ms> magnitude reduction in file size.


In my life, I have created exactly one spreadsheet, and not a
particularly complicated one at that. So, yesterday I upgraded to the
latest released version of gnumeric and tried to load it. gnumeric
complained that it didn't support rotated text (which I had used in
some column labels) and then just got stuck. After 5-10 minutes, I
killed it. (I'd send the spreadsheet as an example to someone who
might like to look into it, but it would take me ages to purge all the
proprietary business info out of it.)

Unfortunately, as a seasoned Linux veteran, I can't say that this
failed to meet my expectations.

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