Re: libglade summary

Subject: Re: libglade summary
From: Gediminas Paulauskas (
Date: Sat Feb 10 2001 - 17:08:06 CST

Buvo Ðt, 2001-02-10 14:06-0800, kai Aaron Lehmann raðë:
> > 4. It requires gettext to do i18n, and we don't support gettext
> >
> > True.
> Actually this is more of a bug with us, as we should be using gettext
> too. It would make a lot more sense if we used gettext in the first
> place, and then this would be a non-issue. The only problem is the
> conversion is non-trivial.

I think the faster Abiword is converted to use gettext, the better.
All those _("The String") are just a #define _(string) gettext(string).
So on those platforms that do not support gettext:
1) port gettext to that platform.
2) write a simple gettext-emulator. You just need a data file, and read it
on load. It may be even not compiled lang.po. Read it into a hash, and make
calls to there. Anyway you must use defines. so just
#define _(string) abiI18nGetLocalized (string)
or, even better, make those new functions implement exactly the same

So the problem remains only for translators -- they all should be on a
platform which supports gettext. But... it is not much of problem I think.

> I think most of us prefer to avoid using libglade at all in the main
> tree, but if you're trying to compromize then porting libglade to
> libxml2 would be a good start. I've heard that gnome is trying to
> standardize on libxml2 so even for them this would be a step in the
> right direction.

GNOME 1.4 is released in less tahn two months. After that anything can
happen. All apps and libraries get converted to Gtk+ 2.0, libglade is ported
to libxml2 or even merged into gnome-libs... However, everything will get
stable not soon, and such app as Abiword should use stable libraries. Or at
least the same as Gnumeric/Nautilus does.

Gediminas Paulauskas  ···  ···  ICQ 24859336

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