Re: ttf printing

Subject: Re: ttf printing
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Sun Feb 11 2001 - 22:39:06 CST

paul> Wow! This sounds too good to be true. Getting TTF fonts to
paul> Just Work on Unix (rather than just Type 1) has been a constant
paul> feature request for over 2 years now. Is today finally the day
paul> that this gets put to rest?

tomas> I am wondering what to do with the utility -- perhaps it might
tomas> go into abi/src/other and be build and installed in
tomas> AbiSuite/bin for the Unix build.

As long as we're sort of just, like, you know, talking about Unix, I
wonder what the feasibility would be of someday doing the conversion
on the fly if the admin (or whoever) hadn't pre-generated the files.
You know, show all the TTFs you can find in the font list, and if
someone actually uses one, look for the AFM file. If you don't find
the AFM file, spawn this little utility to make one, in The Right
Place if you have perms, else in /usr/tmp/ or whatever. (Or does it
actually require significant human intervention?)

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