Source indentation style

Subject: Source indentation style
From: Jesper Skov (
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 08:16:25 CST

I find that each time I open a new file, I have to monkey around for a
while indenting it to something sensible. I'm tired of spending time
on that, so I've had a look around for a C++ indenter.

I've found a modified version of indent(1) which supports C++:

I also had a look at the artistic style indenter, but it seems less
featureful and it hasn't been touched for ages (OK, that can be said
about indent(1) as well).

Anyway, running indent with these options:

./indent /tmp/pt_PieceTable.cpp ./pt.cpp -bbb -nbc -bl -c40 -nce \
         -d0 -di1 -nfc1 -i4 -l79 -lp -sc -+ -ip

I get output like the below. There are a few problems:

 o // comments when wrapped are missing // on the new lines
 o First case of a switch is (sometimes) badly indented
 o Long statements / function calls with many params that break
   the line length are not wrapped.
 o Function parameter definitions are not properly wrapped and
   are also not properly indented.

There are possibly other problems I haven't noticed. Please let me
know if you happen to find any.

Assuming people are ready to accept an agreed style for our code, I
would want to spend some time fixing these problems in indent(1).

Comments, please.


PS: To make indent(1) work you need to replace the /**/ with ## in the
    check_size macro.

/* AbiWord
 * Copyright (C) 1998 AbiSource, Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
 * 02111-1307, USA.

#include "ut_types.h"
#include "ut_misc.h"
#include "ut_assert.h"
#include "ut_debugmsg.h"
#include "ut_growbuf.h"
#include "pt_PieceTable.h"
#include "pf_Frag.h"
#include "pf_Frag_FmtMark.h"
#include "pf_Frag_Strux.h"
#include "pf_Frag_Strux_Block.h"
#include "pf_Frag_Strux_Section.h"
#include "pf_Frag_Text.h"
#include "pf_Frag_Object.h"
#include "pf_Fragments.h"
#include "px_ChangeRecord.h"
#include "px_CR_Span.h"
#include "px_CR_SpanChange.h"
#include "px_CR_Strux.h"
#include "pd_Style.h"

// TODO: calculate this from pf_FRAG_STRUX_*_LENGTH instead?
#define pt_BOD_POSITION 2


pt_PieceTable::pt_PieceTable(PD_Document * pDocument)
    m_pts = PTS_Create;
    m_pDocument = pDocument;

    loading.m_indexCurrentInlineAP = 0;

    UT_HASH_PURGEDATA(PD_Style *, m_hashStyles);

pt_PieceTable::setPieceTableState(PTState pts)
    UT_ASSERT(pts >= m_pts);

    if ((m_pts == PTS_Create) && (pts == PTS_Loading))
        // transition from create to loading.
        // populate the builtin styles

    if ((m_pts == PTS_Loading) && (pts == PTS_Editing))
        // transition from loading to editing.
        // tack on an EOD fragment to the fragment list.
        // this allows us to safely go to the end of the document.
        pf_Frag *pfEOD = new pf_Frag(this, pf_Frag::PFT_EndOfDoc, 0);

    m_pts = pts;

pt_PieceTable::_unlinkFrag(pf_Frag * pf,
                           pf_Frag ** ppfEnd, UT_uint32 * pfragOffsetEnd)
    // unlink the given fragment from the fragment list.
    // also, see if the adjacent fragments can be coalesced.
    // in (ppfEnd,pfragOffsetEnd) we return the position
    // immediately past the frag we're deleting.
    // the caller is responsible for deleting pf.

    if (ppfEnd)
        *ppfEnd = pf->getNext();
    if (pfragOffsetEnd)
        *pfragOffsetEnd = 0;

    pf_Frag *pp = pf->getPrev();


    if (pp
        && pp->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Text
        && pp->getNext()
        && pp->getNext()->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Text)
        pf_Frag_Text *ppt = static_cast < pf_Frag_Text * >(pp);
        pf_Frag_Text *pnt = static_cast < pf_Frag_Text * >(pp->getNext());
        UT_uint32 prevLength = ppt->getLength();
        if (ppt->getIndexAP() == pnt->getIndexAP()
            && m_varset.isContiguous(ppt->getBufIndex(), prevLength, pnt->getBufIndex()))
            if (ppfEnd)
                *ppfEnd = pp;
            if (pfragOffsetEnd)
                *pfragOffsetEnd = prevLength;

            ppt->changeLength(prevLength + pnt->getLength());
            delete pnt;

pt_PieceTable::_struxHasContent(pf_Frag_Strux * pfs) const
    // return true iff the paragraph has content (text).

    return (pfs->getNext() && (pfs->getNext()->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Text));

pt_PieceTable::getAttrProp(PT_AttrPropIndex indexAP, const PP_AttrProp ** ppAP) const

    const PP_AttrProp *pAP = m_varset.getAP(indexAP);
    if (!pAP)
        return false;

    *ppAP = pAP;
    return true;

pt_PieceTable::_getSpanAttrPropHelper(pf_Frag * pf, const PP_AttrProp ** ppAP) const
#define ReturnThis(type,pf) \
        do { type * _pf_ = static_cast< type *>((pf)); \
                        const PP_AttrProp * pAP = m_varset.getAP(_pf_->getIndexAP()); \
                        *ppAP = pAP; \
                        return (pAP != NULL); \
        } while (0)

    switch (pf->getType())
 case pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark:
        ReturnThis(pf_Frag_FmtMark, pf);

    case pf_Frag::PFT_Text:
        ReturnThis(pf_Frag_Text, pf);

    case pf_Frag::PFT_Object:
        ReturnThis(pf_Frag_Object, pf);

    case pf_Frag::PFT_Strux:
    case pf_Frag::PFT_EndOfDoc:
        *ppAP = NULL;
        return false;
#undef ReturnThis

pt_PieceTable::getSpanAttrProp(PL_StruxDocHandle sdh, UT_uint32 offset, bool bLeftSide,
                               const PP_AttrProp ** ppAP) const
    // return the AP for the text at the given offset from the given strux.
    // offset zero now refers to the first character in the block, so adding
    // fl_BLOCK_STRUX_OFFSET to the offset in the call is no longer necessary.


    pf_Frag *pf = (pf_Frag *) sdh;
    UT_ASSERT(pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Strux);
    pf_Frag_Strux *pfsBlock = static_cast < pf_Frag_Strux * >(pf);
    UT_ASSERT(pfsBlock->getStruxType() == PTX_Block);

    UT_uint32 cumOffset = 0;
    UT_uint32 cumEndOffset = 0;
    for (pf_Frag * pfTemp = pfsBlock->getNext(); (pfTemp); cumOffset = cumEndOffset, pfTemp = pfTemp->getNext())
        cumEndOffset = cumOffset + pfTemp->getLength();

        if (offset > cumEndOffset) // the place we want is way past the
                                          end of pfTemp,

            continue; // so keep searching.

        if (offset == cumOffset) // there's a frag boundary exactly
                                          where we want. pfTemp is to our

            // FmtMarks have length zero, so we have to see what side of the
               position the caller wants.
            if ((pfTemp->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark) && (!bLeftSide))
                continue; // go round again and get thing to the

            return _getSpanAttrPropHelper(pfTemp, ppAP);

        UT_ASSERT(offset > cumOffset);

        if (offset == cumEndOffset) // there's a frag boundary exactly
                                          where we want. pfTemp is to our

            if (!bLeftSide)
                continue; // return the next one on the next loop

            // FmtMarks have length zero, so we advance to put it to our left
               and then decide what to do
            if (pfTemp->getNext() && (pfTemp->getNext()->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark))
                continue; // we'll return this one on the next
                                          loop iteration

            // otherwise, we want the thing that we are at the end of (ie that
               is to the left)
            return _getSpanAttrPropHelper(pfTemp, ppAP);

        UT_ASSERT(offset < cumEndOffset);

        // the place we want is inside of a fragment, so just use it.
        return _getSpanAttrPropHelper(pfTemp, ppAP);

    *ppAP = NULL;
    return false;

pt_PieceTable::getSpanPtr(PL_StruxDocHandle sdh, UT_uint32 offset,
                       const UT_UCSChar ** ppSpan, UT_uint32 * pLength) const
    // note: offset zero refers to the strux. the first character is at
    // note: (0 + pfsBlock->getLength()).

    *ppSpan = NULL;
    *pLength = 0;

    pf_Frag *pf = (pf_Frag *) sdh;
    UT_ASSERT(pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Strux);
    pf_Frag_Strux *pfsBlock = static_cast < pf_Frag_Strux * >(pf);
    UT_ASSERT(pfsBlock->getStruxType() == PTX_Block);

    UT_uint32 cumOffset = pf->getLength();
    for (pf_Frag * pfTemp = pfsBlock->getNext(); (pfTemp); pfTemp = pfTemp->getNext())
        if (offset == cumOffset)
            if (pfTemp->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark)

            if (pfTemp->getType() != pf_Frag::PFT_Text)
                return false;

            pf_Frag_Text *pfText = static_cast < pf_Frag_Text * >(pfTemp);
            *ppSpan = getPointer(pfText->getBufIndex());
            *pLength = pfText->getLength();
            return true;
        if (offset < cumOffset + pfTemp->getLength())
            if (pfTemp->getType() != pf_Frag::PFT_Text)
                return false;

            pf_Frag_Text *pfText = static_cast < pf_Frag_Text * >(pfTemp);
            const UT_UCSChar *p = getPointer(pfText->getBufIndex());
            UT_uint32 delta = offset - cumOffset;
            *ppSpan = p + delta;
            *pLength = pfText->getLength() - delta;
            return true;

        cumOffset += pfTemp->getLength();
    return false;

PD_Document *
    return m_pDocument;

  Copy paragraph (block) into buffer
  \param sdh Paragraph to copy
  \retval pgb Buffer where text should be copied to
  \return Always returns true

  Copy the contents (unicode character data) of the paragraph (block)
  into the growbuf given. We append the content onto the growbuf.
pt_PieceTable::getBlockBuf(PL_StruxDocHandle sdh,
                           UT_GrowBuf * pgb) const

    pf_Frag *pf = (pf_Frag *) sdh;
    UT_ASSERT(pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Strux);
    pf_Frag_Strux *pfsBlock = static_cast < pf_Frag_Strux * >(pf);
    UT_ASSERT(pfsBlock->getStruxType() == PTX_Block);

    UT_uint32 bufferOffset = pgb->getLength();

    pf_Frag *pfTemp = pfsBlock->getNext();
    while (pfTemp)
        switch (pfTemp->getType())
        case pf_Frag::PFT_Strux:
        case pf_Frag::PFT_EndOfDoc:
            pfTemp = NULL;

        case pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark:
            pfTemp = pfTemp->getNext();

        case pf_Frag::PFT_Text:
                pf_Frag_Text *pft = static_cast < pf_Frag_Text * >(pfTemp);
                const UT_UCSChar *pSpan = getPointer(pft->getBufIndex());
                UT_uint32 length = pft->getLength();

                bool bAppended;
                bAppended = pgb->ins(bufferOffset, pSpan, length);

                bufferOffset += length;
            pfTemp = pfTemp->getNext();

        case pf_Frag::PFT_Object:

                 * TODO investigate this.... Now *here* is a seriously
                 * questionable fragment of code. :-) We can't let
                 * getBlockBuf halt on a block when it finds an inline object.
                 * However, we can't very well sensibly store an inline object
                 * in a UNICODE character. So, we dump USC_BLOCK in its
                 * place, to preserve the integrity of the buffer. Obviously,
                 * those codes aren't useful, but at least the app doesn't
                 * crash, and the rest of the text in the block is safely
                 * stored in the buffer in the proper location.
                 * The UCS_ABI_OBJECT used to be defined as a space, but that
                 * caused selection code to fail for fields since the code
                 * would look for the beginning of a word, ignoring spaces.
                 * Now the UCS_ABI_OBJECT is instead defined as an alpha
                 * character. Doesn't really matter since it'll never be used
                 * for anything but limit checking anyway. See bug #223 for
                 * details.

                UT_uint32 length = pfTemp->getLength();

                // TODO investigate appending the SPACES directly to
                // TODO the pgb. **or** investigate the cost of this
                // TODO malloc and what happens when it fails....

                UT_UCSChar *pSpaces = new UT_UCSChar[length];
                for (UT_uint32 i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    pSpaces[i] = UCS_ABI_OBJECT;
                bool bAppended;
                bAppended = pgb->ins(bufferOffset, pSpaces, length);
                delete[] pSpaces;

                bufferOffset += length;
            pfTemp = pfTemp->getNext();

    UT_ASSERT(bufferOffset == pgb->getLength());
    return true;

pt_PieceTable::getBounds(bool bEnd, PT_DocPosition & docPos) const
    // be optimistic
    bool res = true;

    if (!bEnd)
        docPos = pt_BOD_POSITION;
        // NOTE: this gets called for every cursor motion
        // TODO: be more efficient & cache the doc length
        PT_DocPosition sum = 0;
        pf_Frag *pfLast = NULL;

        for (pf_Frag * pf = m_fragments.getFirst(); (pf); pf = pf->getNext())
            sum += pf->getLength();
            pfLast = pf;

        UT_ASSERT(pfLast && (pfLast->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_EndOfDoc));
        docPos = sum;

    return res;

pt_PieceTable::getStruxPosition(PL_StruxDocHandle sdh) const
    // return absolute document position of the given handle.

    pf_Frag *pfToFind = (pf_Frag *) sdh;

    return getFragPosition(pfToFind);

pt_PieceTable::getFragPosition(const pf_Frag * pfToFind) const
    PT_DocPosition sum = 0;

    for (pf_Frag * pf = m_fragments.getFirst(); (pf); pf = pf->getNext())
        if (pf == pfToFind)
            return sum;

        sum += pf->getLength();

    return 0;

pt_PieceTable::getFragFromPosition(PT_DocPosition docPos,
                                   pf_Frag ** ppf,
                                   PT_BlockOffset * pFragOffset) const
    // return the frag at the given doc position.

    PT_DocPosition sum = 0;
    pf_Frag *pfLast = NULL;

    for (pf_Frag * pf = m_fragments.getFirst(); (pf); pf = pf->getNext())
        if ((docPos >= sum) && (docPos < sum + pf->getLength()))
            *ppf = pf;
            if (pFragOffset)
                *pFragOffset = docPos - sum;

            // a FmtMark has length zero. we don't want to find it
            // in this loop -- rather we want the thing just past it.

            UT_ASSERT(pf->getType() != pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark);

            return true;

        sum += pf->getLength();
        pfLast = pf;

    // if we fall out of the loop, we didn't have a node
    // at or around the document position requested.
    // since we now have an EOD fragment, we should not
    // ever see this -- unless the caller sends a bogus
    // doc position.

    UT_ASSERT(pfLast->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_EndOfDoc);

    // TODO if (docPos > sum) we should probably complain...

    *ppf = pfLast;
    if (pFragOffset)
        *pFragOffset = docPos - sum;

    return true;

pt_PieceTable::getFragsFromPositions(PT_DocPosition dPos1, PT_DocPosition dPos2,
                                  pf_Frag ** ppf1, PT_BlockOffset * pOffset1,
                            pf_Frag ** ppf2, PT_BlockOffset * pOffset2) const
    // compute the (fragment,offset) pairs for each position given.

    UT_ASSERT(dPos1 <= dPos2);

    // the first set has to be done the hard way.

    if (!getFragFromPosition(dPos1, ppf1, pOffset1))
        return false;

    // now get the second set relative to the first.

    PT_DocPosition deltaPos = dPos2 - dPos1;
    PT_BlockOffset offset = *pOffset1;
    pf_Frag *pf = *ppf1;
    UT_uint32 length = pf->getLength();
    while (offset + deltaPos >= length)
        deltaPos -= (length - offset);
        offset = 0;
        if (pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_EndOfDoc)
            break; // TODO if we haven't quite reached
                                          dPos2, we should probably

        pf = pf->getNext();
        length = pf->getLength();

    // a FmtMark has length zero. we don't want to find it here.
    // rather we want the thing to the right of it.
    UT_ASSERT(pf->getType() != pf_Frag::PFT_FmtMark);

    if (ppf2)
        *ppf2 = pf;
    if (pOffset2)
        *pOffset2 = offset + deltaPos;
    return true;

pt_PieceTable::getStruxFromPosition(PL_ListenerId listenerId,
                                    PT_DocPosition docPos,
                                    PL_StruxFmtHandle * psfh) const
    // return the SFH of the last strux immediately prior to
    // the given absolute document position.

    pf_Frag_Strux *pfs = NULL;
    if (!_getStruxFromPosition(docPos, &pfs))
        return false;

    *psfh = pfs->getFmtHandle(listenerId);
    return true;

pt_PieceTable::getStruxOfTypeFromPosition(PL_ListenerId listenerId,
                                          PT_DocPosition docPos,
                                          PTStruxType pts,
                                          PL_StruxFmtHandle * psfh) const
    // return the SFH of the last strux of the given type
    // immediately prior to the given absolute document position.

    pf_Frag_Strux *pfs = NULL;
    if (!_getStruxOfTypeFromPosition(docPos, pts, &pfs))
        return false;

    *psfh = pfs->getFmtHandle(listenerId);
    return true;
 // / return the SDH of the last strux of the given type
 // / immediately prior to the given absolute document position.
 // /
pt_PieceTable::getStruxOfTypeFromPosition(PT_DocPosition docPos,
                                          PTStruxType pts,
                                          PL_StruxDocHandle * sdh) const

    pf_Frag_Strux *pfs = NULL;
    if (!_getStruxOfTypeFromPosition(docPos, pts, &pfs))
        return false;
    *sdh = (PL_StruxDocHandle) pfs;
    return true;

pt_PieceTable::_getStruxFromPosition(PT_DocPosition docPos,
                                     pf_Frag_Strux ** ppfs) const
    // return the strux fragment immediately prior (containing)
    // the given absolute document position.

    PT_DocPosition sum = 0;
    pf_Frag *pfLastStrux = NULL;

    for (pf_Frag * pf = m_fragments.getFirst(); (pf); pf = pf->getNext())
        if (pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Strux)
            pfLastStrux = pf;

        sum += pf->getLength();

        if (sum >= docPos)
            goto FoundIt;

    // if we fall out of the loop, we didn't have a text node
    // at or around the document position requested.
    // return the last strux in the document.


    pf_Frag_Strux * pfs = static_cast < pf_Frag_Strux * >(pfLastStrux);
    *ppfs = pfs;
    return true;

pt_PieceTable::_getStruxOfTypeFromPosition(PT_DocPosition dpos,
                                           PTStruxType pts,
                                           pf_Frag_Strux ** ppfs) const
    // return the strux fragment of the given type containing
    // the given absolute document position.
    *ppfs = NULL;

    pf_Frag_Strux *pfs = NULL;
    if (!_getStruxFromPosition(dpos, &pfs))
        return false;

    if (pfs->getStruxType() == pts) // is it of the type we want

        *ppfs = pfs;
        return true;

    // if not, we walk backwards thru the list and try to find it.

    for (pf_Frag * pf = pfs; (pf); pf = pf->getPrev())
        if (pf->getType() == pf_Frag::PFT_Strux)
            pf_Frag_Strux *pfsTemp = static_cast < pf_Frag_Strux * >(pf);
            if (pfsTemp->getStruxType() == pts) // did we find it

                *ppfs = pfsTemp;
                return true;

    // did not find it.

    return false;

pt_PieceTable::_getStruxFromFrag(pf_Frag * pfStart, pf_Frag_Strux ** ppfs) const
    // return the strux frag immediately prior to (containing)
    // the given fragment.

    *ppfs = NULL;

    pf_Frag *pf;

    for (pf = pfStart->getPrev(); (pf && (pf->getType() != pf_Frag::PFT_Strux)); pf = pf->getPrev())
    if (!pf)
        return false;

    *ppfs = static_cast < pf_Frag_Strux * >(pf);
    return true;

pt_PieceTable::_computeBlockOffset(pf_Frag_Strux * pfs, pf_Frag * pfTarget) const
    // return the block offset of the beginning of pfTarget from the end of

    UT_uint32 sum;
    pf_Frag *pf;

    for (pf = pfs->getNext(), sum = 0; (pf != pfTarget); sum += pf->getLength(), pf = pf->getNext())

    return sum;

pt_PieceTable::clearIfAtFmtMark(PT_DocPosition dpos)
    while (_lastUndoIsThisFmtMark(dpos))
        UT_DEBUGMSG(("clearIfAtFmtMark doing something...\n"));

pt_PieceTable::_changePointWithNotify(PT_DocPosition dpos)
    PX_ChangeRecord *pcr
    = new PX_ChangeRecord(PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangePoint,
                          dpos, 0);

    m_pDocument->notifyListeners(NULL, pcr);

    return true;

This archive was generated by hypermail 2b25 : Tue Feb 13 2001 - 08:16:40 CST